Fasoracetam works on three different types of receptors in tandem: the cholinergic, GABA and glutamate.

Dr. Hakonarson, who specializes in genome medicine, is exploring the drug’s usefulness as an ADHD drug for a particular genetic subset of the population.

Information about this promising pharmaceutical is still scant compared with older racetams, but with what is available it is safe to conclude it bolsters memory, melts away procrastination, improves focus, relieves depression and enhances learning.

Fasoracetam: A High Potency Nootropic with Promising Effects


Fasoracetam (NS-105, LAM-105) was initially developed for the treatment of Alzheimers by Nippon Shinyaku. A member of the racetam family, a class of compounds famed for their cognition enhancing properties, it also shows promise as

Fasoracetam: A High Potency Nootropic with Promising Effects2024-06-02T17:51:55+00:00

Top basic nootropics


Top basic nootropics its about the top nootropics in their original form, not stacked like you find in Mind Lab Pro Nootropics are a special class of nutrients, supplements, smart drugs, and nutraceuticals that have

Top basic nootropics2024-06-03T15:35:11+00:00
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